Happy 2010…

I have lots to look forward to this year!
I graduate from University.
My older sister is getting married.
I plan on doing some travelling.
And I will hopefully have a creative job in the near future.

But before all of this happens I have lots and lots of hard work to do.
Semester 2 classes started this week and I have that anxious feeling already. Too much to do, too little time.

I’m determined to not  be tempted to stick my head in the sand and let it all pass by. Nobody ever gets a happy ending that way to they!

So despite the fact that the next couple of months will probably be the most stressful that I’ve ever had to handle. I’m trying to stay positive and keep my eye on the prize!

Good luck to all of your 2010 adventures!

Moving Forward.

I have a pretty optimistic outlook on life generally. And was once told by someone much older and wiser that ‘destiny has a way of finding you.’ I believe this, most of the time.
But sat in my room (without a view) listening to as much Fleetwood Mac, Frank Turner and Bruce Springsteen as possible. Whilst attempting to tackle my 3rd and final year of university. I have begin to wonder what’s next? Where am I going and how will I get there?
All of these question seem to be lingering in the back of my head, of late. As another day passes and I press the snooze button, deep down I know that this won’t last forever. And yes that thought is scary. Very, very scary. But its also slightly exciting.
I have considered making a list of some sort. I somehow feel that if I write some of my options down, the words might magically creep off the paper and evolve into reality. Maybe even path a fairy tale like yellow brick road to my future.
I do realise that this wont happen. And I also realise that waking up one day and the rest of your life just been there, sort of means that you’ve missed all the fun that you have on the journey to ‘the middle’.
So what am I to do…? Who knows? I guess I just have to keep on moving and hope for the best!

Keep on Moving