Eat, Pray, Love.

I’m currently writing daily blogs for work, which is why I’ve neglected this blog for so long. However, I’ve decided to start writing my own thought here. Expect some music, fashion and general ramblings…

I received the film Eat.Pray.Love as a Christmas gift but only got round to watching it this weekend. Having thoroughly enjoyed Liz Gilbert’s memoirs about her search for personal happiness through a journey which took her to all corners of the globe. I was expecting great things from the motion picture.

Staring Julia Roberts, the actress who never seems to age, James Franco and Javier Bardem, both her on-screen lovers, I thought the film would bring Liz Gilbert’s character from page to screen perfectly.

Book Liz Gilbert is witty with has an air of spontaneity and is effortless charming.

But Liz in the film (aka Julia’s) is boring there really is no other way to describe it. Film Liz doesn’t agonise over her broken marriage, she doesn’t put weight on in Italy and she doesn’t fall so deeply in love with her Brazilian lover in Bali that her once dire life now seems complete.

In fact if I was the real Liz Gilbert I think I’d be pretty annoyed with Julia.

Maybe it’s just me but the only ravishing thing about this movie is the location shots. The beautiful city of Rome, the bright colours of India and blissful bike ride around Bali are, for me,  the only things which give Eat.Pray.Love the movie a hint of redemption.

Read the book- ditch the film.


John Lewis Christmas

Can Adam & Eve do any wrong in the world of advertising?
Here is another beautiful, thoughtful and magical John Lewis ad courtesy of A&E’s creativity and a mesmerizing version of Elton John’s Your Song by Ellie Goulding.

Hope you enjoy this as much as me!

Cover girls…

Everyone is talking about Cheryl Cole and the release of her second Vogue cover this month.

She looks stunning, but when doesn’t she. The article sees the newly divorced singer/judge/mega start talk about her marriage breakdown, battle with ill health after catching Malaria and her new start.

I’m sorry Vogue but I’m just not overly in love with this cover. After the iconic September issue with Ms Moss provided a strong, fashion forward presence. This is seems somewhat out of place, although beautiful and inviting the October issue seems too light and fresh.

On the other hand, I love Bonnie Wright on the London edition of ASOS’s September magazine. It’s optimizes current trends- strong tones of grey, the introduction of the seasonal must have camel and, of course a red headed beauty. Achieving some serious cover shoot kudos.

So hats off to ASOS for a cooler and less obvious cover girlie. And a pull your socks up to Vogue, come on your are supposed to be the fashion bible.

V Magazine

V magazine displays fashion with a capital F with visuals driving the focus throughout. So there is never a dull cover, spread or inch in the mag.

In true V Magazine style the Fall 2010 Issue  see’s everything New York, fashion, photography, artwork and music. Celebrating the NY theme, legendary fashion designer and NY native Marc Jacobs is suit and booted, wearing a classic Tuxedo alongside a fellow New York gal and wild child Lady Gaga.

The cover plays tribute to America’s most fashion forward state as GaGa plays dress up (nothing new here) as the Statue of Liberty. Including a burning tash bag torch and a crown sculpted out of her own hair.

In turn authentic style, the notirious V is made out of coloured gum. Scrapped from the subway maybe…?

I think that this cover is most definitely one that stands out from the crowd. I love that the  its a collaboration of not only Gaga and Jacobs but of the grimy sense of New York City that some might gloss over.

Beyonce’s Back.

Not that she ever seemed to go away for very long. Never the less, Mrs Jay Z is back and this time with a clothing line, Dereon.

Promo pictures of Beyonce have emerged along with a trailer for the new A/W line.

The multi talented star looks somewhat unrecognisable as she adopts a glam, rock ‘n’ roll, pin up combo. Finished off with blonde hair and on trend temporary tattoos.

The latest must have temp tattoos’s were all over Chanel’s runway show and are in store to purchase now. Although, Beyonce is certainly on trend she has gone slightly OTT, covering every inch of her honey toned bod for impact and pizzaz.

But remember Ms B is a superstar and let’s face it, she could walk around with a cat on her hat and still get fashion kudos.

So if you just a mere moral like me, keep in mind that less is more here. Designs range from basic patterns, jewllery effects, pretty birds and even spiders. So why not stick with one design or maybe layer two patterns if you feel confident enough to pull it off. But of course have fun with these accessories, they do wash off after all.

Lucky for us make up artist Lisa Eldridge (a fashion insider who I personally think is wonderful), has a fabulous tutorial on these super chic, Beyonce approved tat’s with some much needed guidance. Check it out.

The ‘New’ Crop.

Ok, I’m obviously late on writing up about Emma Watson and her shocking act of chopping off all of her locks. Mainly because I have found myself a little undecided upon the new ‘do.

I was never a Harry Potter kid. I didn’t read the books and wasn’t too bothered about rushing to the cinema when they released the films. To add to this I’m not really the biggest Miss Watson fan. The fizzy haired,  loser who followed Harry & Co around a magical wonderland became a style icon overnight. This is an achievement, granted. But with all of her childhood spent acting her way to millions, it’s fair to say Em can afford a stylist to pick out some red carpets hits.

My opinion was slightly swayed by the Autumn/Winter 09 Burberry Trench campaign, which evolved Watson from the cinematic Miss Granger into a spellbinding real life fashion girl. Her work with Burberry is beautiful and in turn far, far away from her Harry Potter claim to fame.

So as her work at Hogwarts is coming to an end, she can finally pack away her wand and wizardry books. I think the ‘new crop’ is Emma being a normal, fashion forward 20 year old trying something new.

My verdict … I like it. The super short style suits her petite frame perfectly and makes her eyes brim with loveliness

So expect plenty of ‘how to get the new crop’ articles in your next glossy.  With Emma pictured along side fellow pixie crop lovers including Ginnifer Goodwin, Michelle Williams and Carey Mulligan, obviously.


I love this advert. It’s proof that a great, strong brand identity works without question.
The ketchup might be invisible but the way we integrate it into our lives instantly brings the ‘unknown’ to life!

Love, love, love!!