Great FOLK!

I have a new musical love who goes by the name of  Fionn Regan.

Fionn, an Irish singer- song writer is simply delightful. Obviously inspired by folk greats- think Bob Dylan and then add some Roddy Woomble and you’re heading down the right path.

My personal favourite  is The Underwood Typewriter from his 2008 The End of History album. I can’t find a decent video of this, so here’s Put a Penny In The Slot.


Frank Turner. Wolverhampton. 19.10.2009

Last night I went to Wolverhampton to see Frank Turner.

Turner is described as ‘folk/punk’ on his myspace site. But I just think thats he’s sheer genius.

He plays only an acoustic guitar, as he doesn’t think he’s all that when it comes to playing. But he’s just being modest I think. In addition Turner has a brilliantly tight band behind him, who have evidently been on his journey to successful for the last three year. As he’s played bars, pubs, small clubs, you know the drill. But now on his UK & European Tour Turner is selling out venues and playing to a admirable amounts of fans. Turner described the crowd size at Wolverhamptons Wulfrun Hall last night as, ‘A shit loads of people’. I’d agree, except i’d replace people with loyal really loyal fans, who know every word to every song!

He’s one of those artists who’s material is pretty tender in an instrumental sense. He doesn’t flurish in impressive solos and like mentioned before, Frank Turner hardly beliefs he can play the guitar well. Instead of pretending to be Hendrix, he wows the crowd with his impressive lyrics about everything a young person experiences on the journey to the real world.

Turner sings about love, friends, loneliness, freedom, darkness and the people who’ve let our world go to ruins.

He’s not afraid speak out. And his audience aren’t afraid to join in!

I truly find a sense of beloning from Frank Turners music. He’s a real musician. He writes with honesty, he’s passionate, and plays like he might never get the chance to play again. And most of all he believes in what he’s preaching about.

I don’t know if Frank Turner will break into the real mainstream music market and sit along side Girls Aloud, Take That and Coldplay. I mean ,he’s most definitely not going to appear on X Factor, dishing out advice on how to make it in the ‘real’ world of music. But honestly, I wouldn’t want that anyway, because the Frank Turner world of music is what its all about. Dancing with one hand in the air and singing the words back is really where its at!

A little success for a talent guy who lyrics simply blow you away is all that any fan of music could really ask for.

Have a listen at


Happy Birthday, Happy Listening!

I had intended on posting this yesterday but kitchen chit chat got ahold of me! So A day late, but better late than never…

All of my friends know that I am a huge Bruce Springsteen fan. I come from a family of super fans, who have travelled far and wide to see him. I have personally being lucky enough to see The Boss five times. Seeing 3 of those shows this summer alone.

Many may question why someone would pay to see a Springsteen show over and over. However, people don’t realise that no Springsteen show is like another. On average  The Boss and his army- The mighty E Street Band. Play a 3 hours set, with around 30 songs. Some of which are requested by the audience and played straight off the bat.

Many may also question why a 20 year old girl, would willingly spend weekends traveling with her parents to see an old bloke in denim jeans, singing Born in The USA. But to me Bruce Springsteen defines what music is really about. A great show that you don’t want to see end, that has twists and turns, classic songs and songs which you may only ever be lucky enough to see once live! But most importantly  a show which is great thanks to the music alone. There are no special effects or onstage fixtures to brighten up the performance. It all comes from Bruce and band.

Today, The Boss. Who is with out question the most talked about guy around my kitchen table. The guy who’s face is on endless records and posters around my family  home, turns 60. Yes sixty years old. So, to Bruce Happy Birthday and thanks for all the great music and more importantly the amazing times which you have brought to me!

By total coincidence today I went to a ‘vintage market’ and found four Springsteen vinyls. The seller was a fan and admired my interest. Selling them all to me for the wonderful price of ten english pounds. A gift from one fan to another. Its made my day and they will no doubt fill many more days with happy listening! Note- Yes I have all of this music on CD and my computer. However, the chance to see, touch and explore the albums in a more literally sense is so much more exciting that turning on itunes!! I mean come on, I know its 2009 but you know its true!