Coffee or Big Mac

Who doesn’t love a cup of coffee? A take out coffee while traveling to work or a coffee with a quick bite to eat mid shopping trip is normal for most.

Surprising statistic have recently discovered that our trips to countless coffee shop branches on the high street could be a lot more unhealthy than imaginable.

An article from The Guardian shows that coffee fixes and the new chilled drinks that many coffee branches now sell have as many, if not more calories then a Big Mac.

For example, order a Venti Dark Berry Mocha Frappuccino blended coffee with whipped cream and your indulging in a whopping 561 calories. You could have munched away a Big Mac with only 492.

Even worse, these statistic reckon that these extremely indulgent coffees could cause cancer and make us overweight.

Pretty shocking stats for everyone who needs a coffee or two in the morning.
