What 2009 had to offer…

Oh what a wonderful year 2009 was for me. Here are my highlights…

– Bruce Springsteen live in both London & Dublin.

The Boss is amazing- you have never seen a show until you've seen The Boss!

-The many other gigs which I saw last year. Some of my favorites…

Frank Turner

Karima Francis

The Gaslight Anthem

-Enjoying my third and final year at University with my amazing friends and flat mates!

-Organsing a River Rocks for River Island and Graduate Fashion Week.

River Island Rocks-Preston Event.

-Visiting the capital to show off our hard work!

-CHANGE: Barack Obama

A Black president, who's cool enough for GQ! 2009 triumph.

-The rise of the Red Heads! Horraah!

Florence Welch

Jenny Lewis

Lily Cole

-2009 reintroduced One Tree Hill into my life. Night after night of watching episodes after episode was the greatly loved!

-Hitting the gym and becoming more active has had a massive impact in 2009.

-Cooking has become a new hobby!

-Extending my music collection. Adding vinyl!

-Seeing in the New Year dressed as Rock star!! Super Cool & lots of fun!

Rock and Roll- good times!

Here’s to a wonderful and fingers crossed, successful 2010!


Moving Forward.

I have a pretty optimistic outlook on life generally. And was once told by someone much older and wiser that ‘destiny has a way of finding you.’ I believe this, most of the time.
But sat in my room (without a view) listening to as much Fleetwood Mac, Frank Turner and Bruce Springsteen as possible. Whilst attempting to tackle my 3rd and final year of university. I have begin to wonder what’s next? Where am I going and how will I get there?
All of these question seem to be lingering in the back of my head, of late. As another day passes and I press the snooze button, deep down I know that this won’t last forever. And yes that thought is scary. Very, very scary. But its also slightly exciting.
I have considered making a list of some sort. I somehow feel that if I write some of my options down, the words might magically creep off the paper and evolve into reality. Maybe even path a fairy tale like yellow brick road to my future.
I do realise that this wont happen. And I also realise that waking up one day and the rest of your life just been there, sort of means that you’ve missed all the fun that you have on the journey to ‘the middle’.
So what am I to do…? Who knows? I guess I just have to keep on moving and hope for the best!

Keep on Moving

Frank Turner. Wolverhampton. 19.10.2009

Last night I went to Wolverhampton to see Frank Turner.

Turner is described as ‘folk/punk’ on his myspace site. But I just think thats he’s sheer genius.

He plays only an acoustic guitar, as he doesn’t think he’s all that when it comes to playing. But he’s just being modest I think. In addition Turner has a brilliantly tight band behind him, who have evidently been on his journey to successful for the last three year. As he’s played bars, pubs, small clubs, you know the drill. But now on his UK & European Tour Turner is selling out venues and playing to a admirable amounts of fans. Turner described the crowd size at Wolverhamptons Wulfrun Hall last night as, ‘A shit loads of people’. I’d agree, except i’d replace people with loyal really loyal fans, who know every word to every song!

He’s one of those artists who’s material is pretty tender in an instrumental sense. He doesn’t flurish in impressive solos and like mentioned before, Frank Turner hardly beliefs he can play the guitar well. Instead of pretending to be Hendrix, he wows the crowd with his impressive lyrics about everything a young person experiences on the journey to the real world.

Turner sings about love, friends, loneliness, freedom, darkness and the people who’ve let our world go to ruins.

He’s not afraid speak out. And his audience aren’t afraid to join in!

I truly find a sense of beloning from Frank Turners music. He’s a real musician. He writes with honesty, he’s passionate, and plays like he might never get the chance to play again. And most of all he believes in what he’s preaching about.

I don’t know if Frank Turner will break into the real mainstream music market and sit along side Girls Aloud, Take That and Coldplay. I mean ,he’s most definitely not going to appear on X Factor, dishing out advice on how to make it in the ‘real’ world of music. But honestly, I wouldn’t want that anyway, because the Frank Turner world of music is what its all about. Dancing with one hand in the air and singing the words back is really where its at!

A little success for a talent guy who lyrics simply blow you away is all that any fan of music could really ask for.

Have a listen at http://www.myspace.com/frankturner
