The ‘New’ Crop.

Ok, I’m obviously late on writing up about Emma Watson and her shocking act of chopping off all of her locks. Mainly because I have found myself a little undecided upon the new ‘do.

I was never a Harry Potter kid. I didn’t read the books and wasn’t too bothered about rushing to the cinema when they released the films. To add to this I’m not really the biggest Miss Watson fan. The fizzy haired,  loser who followed Harry & Co around a magical wonderland became a style icon overnight. This is an achievement, granted. But with all of her childhood spent acting her way to millions, it’s fair to say Em can afford a stylist to pick out some red carpets hits.

My opinion was slightly swayed by the Autumn/Winter 09 Burberry Trench campaign, which evolved Watson from the cinematic Miss Granger into a spellbinding real life fashion girl. Her work with Burberry is beautiful and in turn far, far away from her Harry Potter claim to fame.

So as her work at Hogwarts is coming to an end, she can finally pack away her wand and wizardry books. I think the ‘new crop’ is Emma being a normal, fashion forward 20 year old trying something new.

My verdict … I like it. The super short style suits her petite frame perfectly and makes her eyes brim with loveliness

So expect plenty of ‘how to get the new crop’ articles in your next glossy.  With Emma pictured along side fellow pixie crop lovers including Ginnifer Goodwin, Michelle Williams and Carey Mulligan, obviously.

Emma Watson for Burberry.

Emma Watson, famous for her Harry Potter side kick Hermione Granger. Is quickly becoming part of the fashion elite.

The Harry Potter beauty, seems to have it all. Cash in the bank, a killer acting CV and she’s flown the nest and headed across the pond. But not for the obvious choice of sunning it in LA with Hollywood friends.

Nope. She’s gone to the American land to study, at one of the best institutes they have to offer. Brown University.

So you ask, what else could a 19 year old girl want? Well it would seem a modeling campaign for one of the biggest names in fashion.

Autumn/Winter 09 saw Emma’s debut campaign for the world renown fashion brand Burberry, who harness the quintessential british style.

A/W 09

Now Burberry have teamed up with not only Miss Watson for their Spring/Summer ’10 campaign, but her  brother too.

S/S 10

What a beautiful (and fashionable) pair of Watson’s. Even if half of Emma’s legs seems to be missing…