City Breaks…Edinburgh.

I’m sorry to admit that i’ve neglected my blog for sometime now. I first started blogging a couple of years ago and quickly lost interest. Feeling that I had little to write about and because I was a poor and lazy student, I didn’t think I was fulfilling my time with blog worthy events. I re-started blogging in September for uni and vowed to stay committed… I seem to have failed. Well maybe not failed, but i’ve drifted a little. All due to the mountain of uni work so I’m back and I promise I will try my best to make frequent and sometimes interesting updates!

So… like I just mentioned uni work is geographically resembling a mountain. I would go as far as saying Kilimanjaro. Thats the tallest in the world, yes?! So of late my long red hair has been snuggled tucked away in there.

However, from time to time we all need a break. A nice retreat to get away from  what seems to be an inescapable work load. So I, along with a lovely companion recently ventured to Edinburgh. Our trip consisted of firstly finding a cheap. OK, I shall rephrase… affordable offer. We did good, very good in fact. Trains from Preston to Edinburgh and back and a hotel for the weekend at just over 100 english pounds each! Upon arrival I think it’s fair to say we were pretty dumb struck at how good of an offer we had stumbled upon. The hotel was gorgeous, like ones which you see in film (cheesy but true)… And Edinburgh was beautiful.

Luckily we had glorious weather all weekend. I obviously over packed on jeans and hodies and under-packed sun dress and gladiator sandals. I spent my Scottish weekend shopping, eating delicious food and walking in the sunshine all with great company. This great company then suggested that we should do something cultural… yes, another day shopping wasn’t allowed! So seen as it was so beautiful we decided to walk up Arthur’s Seat. I agreed, naively presuming that I would only have to stroll up a clean, leveled path. I was wrong, so very very wrong. We climbed up Arthur’s Seat, yes CLIMBED. After a good 50 minutes of  moaning, groaning and some seat we finally got to the top. The highest landscape peak across Edinburgh… it didn’t disappoint.

What a beautiful city. It’s full of history, has breathtaking building and stunning views. All mixed in with some gorgeous restaurants, bars and cafes and some great shopping finds! My city break was well deserved and did the job!