Eat, Pray, Love.

I’m currently writing daily blogs for work, which is why I’ve neglected this blog for so long. However, I’ve decided to start writing my own thought here. Expect some music, fashion and general ramblings…

I received the film Eat.Pray.Love as a Christmas gift but only got round to watching it this weekend. Having thoroughly enjoyed Liz Gilbert’s memoirs about her search for personal happiness through a journey which took her to all corners of the globe. I was expecting great things from the motion picture.

Staring Julia Roberts, the actress who never seems to age, James Franco and Javier Bardem, both her on-screen lovers, I thought the film would bring Liz Gilbert’s character from page to screen perfectly.

Book Liz Gilbert is witty with has an air of spontaneity and is effortless charming.

But Liz in the film (aka Julia’s) is boring there really is no other way to describe it. Film Liz doesn’t agonise over her broken marriage, she doesn’t put weight on in Italy and she doesn’t fall so deeply in love with her Brazilian lover in Bali that her once dire life now seems complete.

In fact if I was the real Liz Gilbert I think I’d be pretty annoyed with Julia.

Maybe it’s just me but the only ravishing thing about this movie is the location shots. The beautiful city of Rome, the bright colours of India and blissful bike ride around Bali are, for me,  the only things which give Eat.Pray.Love the movie a hint of redemption.

Read the book- ditch the film.